Bernard - We previously informed you about H.230: An act relating to implementing mechanisms to reduce suicide. Despite having serious constitutional issues, the House passed this egregious bill, with Senate Judiciary taking this up Thursday 4/6 at 9AM. Our fight has therefore moved to the Senate/Senate Judiciary Committee, and we need to strongly tell them that passing unconstitutional bills is not in keeping with how the Vermont Legislature should conduct OUR business. To help advocates such as yourself - the VTFSC has invested in Advocacy Software that makes it painless to send a coherent message to not only the full Senate Judiciary Committee, but also to your own individual Senator(s). First, please go to this link. This will take you to our Take Action Page.
On that page you will see a box entitled H.230, with a Take Action button at the bottom left. Click the Take Action button. You will be asked to enter your street address (please include town), and then your Zip Code; this information is used to look up your Senator(s). Then click the GO button.
As Legislators want to be able to know who is contacting them, enter the required Contact Information fields. On the right side you will see a randomly selected pre-written Subject and Email Message. You can change either or leave them as is; then click Send. Voila! You've just contacted all 5 Committee members and your own Senator(s), each with individual emails.
PLEASE: We have made this EASY. Share this email with your friends, and have THEM send emails using this tool. Do it once this week, and then next week.
We invested in this software to allow us all to be more effective, and that investment was made possible due to your support. Thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |