Bernard - Today I urge you to Take Action on two things: - H.230 - presented as an anti-suicide bill
- Public Comment on Silvio Conte Refuge
The Senate Committee continued hearing testimony on H.230 last week, with this bill scheduled for Mark Up tomorrow 4/26 at 9AM. You can watch that here.
The "Safe Storage" section has been renamed to be "Negligent Storage", and it no longer contains any penalty just for failing to store a firearm safely. It will have consequences of a firearm is not stored properly and then something bad happens, but prosecutorial discretion can come into play, and we believe we can live with this change. It currently appears that the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) pieces are being changed to adopt Clear & Convincing as the standard of evidence in temporary ERPO hearings. This was a change which we suggested, but these laws still step on Due Process in Ex Parte hearings, and are therefore unconstitutional. The final piece is on a 72-hour Waiting Period, which will not stand up to any scrutiny under Bruen. We continue to oppose H.230, and ask you to Take Action using our new advocacy tool located here. Beyond taking action on H.230, we also ask that you Take Action regarding providing Public Comment on unwarranted regulations that have been proposed by US F&W regarding the issue of hunting with dogs on the Silvio Conte Refuge. This is critically important! It will take you all of 4 minutes to take action on both topics, so please consider doing so - EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE SO - to voice your concerns with the appropriate people. Then forward this email to like-minded friends and family and urge them to Take Action as well. Thank you for reading; thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; and please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |