H.230 has now been voted out of the House
Bernard - Given the super-majority in the House, its is not surprising that they voted H.230 through; I regret to say that it passed out of the House today despite strong opposition and amendments from our allies. Despite the "Safe Storage" piece being unconstitutional by both Heller and Bruen - the majority passed it anyway - pretty much entirely on the strength of our illustrious Attorney General Charity Clark. In her testimony, which lasted less than 10 minutes, she said the whole thing was Constitutional, and she supported it. Ms. Clark's statements were diametrically opposed to that of the Vermont Defender General's Office - who said the whole bill was unconstitutional - and spent well over an hour across two sessions explaining why. And then you had Legislative Counsel who basically shrugged on the question of constitutionality, and said "It's unclear". So the super-majority ruled, they blindly voted for it even over constitutional concerns, and they even voted against a simple amendment that would have allowed for more expansive reporting on suicides with firearms, such as where the firearm came from, whether the person committing suicide had a terminal disease, or whether or not they owned the gun. In talking with the powers that be, I regret to say that a common theme was: "We'll pass it and let the Senate fix it". Our fight now moves away from the House and onto the Senate. We expect that it will go through both Senate Health Care and then Senate Judiciary. The Senate now becomes our target - stay tuned for further info - and Thank You for standing with us as we fight these unconstitutional laws. We will keep you informed of how else we can fight this bill, and we are considering all options.
Should you be interested in a list of bills we are watching, we update that list regularly on our website, which you can find here. Thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ | Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders. |