Bernard H.230 has now passed the Senate 21-9, and due to differences between the House and Senate versions this will now go to a Committee of Conference to resolve the changes. Whatever is resolved, the end result will still be a bill that will institute a 72-hour Waiting Period in Vermont which would become effective on 7/1/23. As instituting a Waiting Period will absolutely have a negative impact on Gun Shows, the legislature allowed that this Waiting Period would not apply to gun shows until July 1, 2024. We have written this statement, now released to the media, concerning our stance on H.230. We remain in staunch opposition to H.230, a bill with serious constitutional flaws in both the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) and Waiting Period sections. As we hope and expect that the Governor will veto a Waiting Period just as he did previously, we must increase the pressure on our Senators and Representatives to get the votes necessary to sustain his veto. Now more than ever you need to use our Take Action page to contact your elected officials to express your concerns. It's simple and easy. Then forward this email to like-minded friends and family and urge them to Take Action as well. Thank you for reading; thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; and please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |