Friday, May 10, 2019

Vermont Sports Shooting Events

Friend --


Are you looking for sports shooting events in Vermont?

Shotgun/trap/skeet/ 5 stand, rifle, pistol, action pistol, muzzle loader, precision rifle, instructional courses?

Are you thinking about getting into completion shooting?

Would you like more marksmanship practice?

Are you looking for instructional courses in our area?

Are you looking for ladies training events, run by women trainers?


Are you looking for a nearby fishing derby?


If you answered YES to any of the above questions, please look at the various calendars hosted on the Vermont Federation of Sportsman's Clubs website. We have a compiled calendars of the most popular outdoor sporting events around our state. We encourage you to get out and explore all that our area has to offer for our sportspeople to enjoy and promote our traditions.

Click Here For the VTFSC Website

This is a work and progress and we are adding events on a continual basis. Please check back often, share with your friends, and please share your events with us, so we may further promote our events.


Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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