SCFC Spring Cleaning Day! SCFC Spring Cleaning Day! Good day, It's time for our annual club cleanup day on May 11th. The fun will start at 8:00AM.
SCFC Spring Cleaning Day! | SCFC Spring Cleaning Day! Good day, It's time for our annual club cleanup day on May 11th. The fun will start at 8:00AM. As usual we will be looking for volunteers to help clean ranges, remove trash, reorganize the garage, etc. If you have rakes and shovels, cordless tools please bring them. We will also being doing some work on all of the ranges on Friday so different ranges will be closed depending on where we are working. This work will include the return of a club supplied target backer system as well as backers on the 200. At the end of the day, assuming you have been there all day, there will be multiple giveaways including a gun and ammo. I hope to see you there. Kurt Eckert SCFC President . ]<- | | | |