Friend -- On Monday May 13th 2019 S.169 Waiting Period bill passed the house judiciary committee on a vote of 7-4, this bill now goes to the full house for reading on May 15th and full vote of the house vote on May 16th. This bill imposes a 24 hour waiting period between background check and acquisition of a handgun. It is time to contact your representatives in the house and voice your thoughts on how this infringes on your rights. A. Call your representatives in the house, you can find their phone number in the find my legislator directory . If they do not have a phone number listed in the directory page, call the Sergeant at Arms and have them deliver a message to your legislator asking them to personally call you back. That number is 802-828-2228 B. Talk to your legislator about what is happened, express your thoughts in a positive polite manner. Ask questions. C. Follow up your phone calls with emails. Here are some thoughts and questions you may consider asking your representative. 1. Can you explain to me how the legislature has the power to infringe upon Article 16 rights when chapter 2, subsection 6 of the Vermont constitution expressly says that the legislature does not have that power? 2. Why are article 16 and the 2nd amendment routinely and systematically viewed as inferior rights, not equal to our other individual rights? 3. Why is it politically and morally acceptable to discriminate against gun owners and treat them as 3/5th of a citizen? 4. If you support that a waiting period for me to exercise my rights is acceptable, then by the same logic you would support that Rosa parks should have been asked to wait for a later bus as a just a minor inconvenience. 5. Martin Luther King Jr. once said "A right delayed is a right denied". Please give me an example of another individual right it would be acceptable to arbitrarily delay me from exercising? Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ |