Bernard - We had previously warned you about S4, a bill which contained a section that would prohibit those under 21 from possessing an "Assault Weapon", with that section providing definitions of what makes a pistol, rifle or shotgun into an "Assault Weapon". As of yesterday, and after intense lobbying by the VTFSC, as well as work done by our allies in GOVT, the VTFSC is pleased to report that the Senate Judiciary Committee, on a 5-0 vote, opted to pull that section out of the bill completely. It's gone (for now). Yes, you read that correctly: We were able to have a section pertaining to an "Assault Weapon Ban" dropped, due entirely to it's lack of constitutionality under Bruen. This is a huge win for the 2nd Amendment in Vermont, but this is only one battle in the long and protracted fight for our rights, and it occurred only because Senate Judiciary is a very deliberative body who did the right thing when presented with the facts and supporting information. On other fronts: The VTFSC gave testimony yesterday on H.230 in the House Health Care Committee, which is billed as an anti-suicide bill. This bill contains a section relating to "Safe Storage" (Lock Up Your Guns) as well as a Waiting Period (either 48 or 72 hours). In the testimony we gave on H.230, and among other concerns, we pointed out that "Safe Storage" as written defies the Heller Decision, and we further stated that a Waiting Period would likely not survive a challenge under Bruen. We concluded our testimony with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King: "A right delayed is a right denied". The House Health Committee however is not really interested in whether things are constitutional or not, which is why this bill - when it passes the Health Care Committee - will be moved into House Judiciary. THAT is the committee that will have to really listen to our constitutional arguments, and we will be READY. Stay tuned: There is a huge push to move H.230, and some version WILL be passed by the super-majority, but we will continue to fight that all bills relating to firearms are Constitutional. In regards to other bills in play, the VTFSC maintains a listing of bills we are watching on our website, or you can see that list here. Our calendar of events is also on the website here. Thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |