S.129 - No More Movement This Year
 Bernard -- S.129 - No More Action This Year Senator Chris Bray, Chair of the Senate Natural Resources Committee, announced in the Senate Democratic Caucus weekly meeting today that S.129, the bill to remove the jurisdiction of the F&W Wildlife Board to enact or amend hunting and fishing regulations, will be held off until next year. It is concerning that Chair Bray appeared to convey that it was no major point that that the purpose of S.129 was to remove the authority of the F&W Board to review the research and testimony of the well qualified personnel of the F&W Dept, and the testimony of the public, in enacting and amending the regulations governing hunting and fishing. Chair Bray failed to mention that the entire board would be disbanded, with the 12 new members being politically appointed. The F&W Board has a long history of providing extremely viable regulations for hunting and fishing in Vermont. Those advocating for stripping the Board of the jurisdiction to continue in its service have put forward an incorrect understanding of the relationship and interaction between the VT F&W Department and the F&W Board. The VTFSC will be planning our opposition to S.129 across the rest of this year so we will be ready in January 2022. We will continue to watch House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife for movement of H.167, H.172, H.317 and H.411.
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