Bernard -- Action Alert To All Vermont Sportspeople Last week we asked you to contact the House Committee on Natural Resources and Fish & Wildlife on H.167, H.172 and H.316, and you responded in force. While it was a GREAT start, as there are still weeks left in this session: There is more work for us to do. Last week, the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy began taking testimony on S.129, which is yet another bill that attacks the authority and composition of the Fish & Wildlife Board so that Vermont traditions such as trapping and hounding can be banned. S.129 will disband the entire board, remove their authority, and will create a new 12-member "advisory" board with 8 of those 12 being politically appointed by the majority party and 4 by the governor. The F&W Department and the Fish & Wildlife Board act not only to uphold the right of Vermonters to "hunt and fowl" per Article 67 of our Constitution; they work tirelessly to protect Vermont's wildlife and by all accounts they are both doing stellar work as our game wildlife is abundant and flourishing. Just like H.167: S.129 is politically motivated and is not needed. PLEASE do the following IMMEDIATELY, which will involve sending a single email to all Senate Natural Resources and Energy committee members, and a single email to House Committee on Natural Resources & Fish & Game: - Start a new email, copy & paste the recipients into the ".." box (copy & paste info is at the bottom)
box.cbray@leg.state.vt.us; rawestman@gmail.com; mmacdonald@leg.state.vt.us; bcampion@leg.state.vt.us; vtresponds@gmail.com; rmccormack@leg.state.vt.us; bbalint@leg.state.vt.us
- Use a Subject Line of "NO TO S.129" or "NO TO S.129 - I REQUEST TO TESTIFY"
- In the body, express your sentiments, but please keep it clean, such as " I Support Vermont Traditions - All Vermonters Must Be Heard."
- Once you are done with that, please send another email to House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife, using the below recipient list, using a subject of "NO TO H.167, H.172 and H.316.", and a suitable clean email message, such as "I Support Vermont Traditions - All Vermonters Must Be Heard".
asheldon@leg.state.vt.us; jmccullough@leg.state.vt.us; hsmith@leg.state.vt.us; sbongartz@leg.state.vt.us; nbrownell@leg.state.vt.us; kdolan@leg.state.vt.us; plefebvre@leg.state.vt.us; lmorgan@leg.state.vt.us; kmorris2@leg.state.vt.us; lsatcowitz@leg.state.vt.us; tterenzini@leg.state.vt.us; VTResponds@gmail.com; Speaker@leg.state.vt.us; Instructions to Copy & Paste: - Point your mouse just to the left of the list below, then click and hold the left mouse button while you move the mouse just to the end of the list - this will highlight the whole list.
- Now let go of the left mouse button, point the mouse anywhere in the highlighted text and then single right-click. A small menu will appear; single left-click "Copy".
- Now point the mouse at the ".." box of your email, and single right-click the mouse and select "Paste" from the small menu.
The VTFSC Thanks You For Your Support, and your Donation is both needed and welcome. Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ |