Bernard -- IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED Vermonters in general, and Vermont sportspeople specifically, have a very close relationship with both the land and it's wildlife. Things like hunting, trapping and fishing are more than just hobbies or pastimes. They are a way of life for many Vermonters; they have been a way of life for over 240 years; with these activities being a critical and necessary part of effective wildlife management. With less than a day's notice, bills are now in play that would BAN Trapping (H.172) and Bear Hounding (H.172 and H.316). Then there is H.167, an ill-conceived behemoth bill that criticizes how ANR functions, and then attempts to fix a problem that doesn't exist by adding another layer of bureaucracy to control the ANR and the F&W Board. Also, we are now dealing with H.411, this is year's version of Wanton Waste, which we have concerns with. Whether you Trapper or Bear Hounder doesn't matter: We all stand together or are hung separately. In testimony concerning H.172, Representative Jim McCullough stated that Vermonters were DEMANDING this bill because he received 472 emails in support. Only 472 emails? Since it is apparent that Rep McCullough thinks that hearing from 0.07% of Vermonters is enough to influence the Committee - let's slam them with THOUSANDS! Rep. McCullough's comment on banning trapping can be seen here; his comment on hounding is seen here. Please do the following, which will involve sending 3 emails: - Using the EMAIL LIST below, select all of the emails and then paste them into the "To:" portion of an email.
- For Email #1, use a Subject Line of "NO to H.167"
For Email #2, use a Subject Line of "NO to H.172" For Email #3, use a Subject Line of "NO to H.316" - For each email, type a short message, but please keep it clean. Tell them that Vermont's Traditions and Heritage are off-limits; that they should NOT be focusing on ANY non-Covid or non-budget bills until normalcy returns, and that you DEMAND these bills die in Committee. Repeat 3 times, 1 for each bill.
- Then forward this email to your friends and ask them to help. We Need Numbers!
EMAIL LIST Highlight all lines below, then cut and paste them into the "To:" portion of your email: asheldon@leg.state.vt.us; jmccullough@leg.state.vt.us; hsmith@leg.state.vt.us; sbongartz@leg.state.vt.us; nbrownell@leg.state.vt.us; kdolan@leg.state.vt.us; plefebvre@leg.state.vt.us; lmorgan@leg.state.vt.us; kmorris2@leg.state.vt.us; lsatcowitz@leg.state.vt.us; tterenzini@leg.state.vt.us; VTResponds@gmail.com; Speaker@leg.state.vt.us; The VTFSC Thanks You For Your Support, and your Donation is both needed and welcome. Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ |