Monday, June 17, 2019

Urgent - Essex Firearms Ordinance Meeting June 17th 7pm

Friend --

      Your Attendance is needed 

Even if you do not live in Essex

       This Could End Shooting On Your Own Private Property Throughout Vermont!

Town of Essex Firearms Ordinance, on Selectboard Meeting, Monday, June 17 at 7 PM at Essex High School

The Town of Essex is moving forward with enacting a firearms private shooting range licensing ordinance.

This would require any person who discharges a firearm on property under their control to register their 
property and maintain an insurance liability policy of at least $500,000.00.  This is not for just club ranges.
The Town wants all to certify they meet the "standards" of the NRA Range Source Book.  The NRA  clearly
states these are "guidelines" not "standards" It is a three ring binder, several inches thick, with 30 chapters: 
The ordinance they seek is beyond the authority of a Vermont municipality.  24 VSA Sections 2295, 2291(8)
and 10 VSA Section 5227.  See the second attachment, starting on page two, for the potential ordinance. 
If the Town of Essex enacts such an ordinance registering/licensing shooting on private property, how long
do think it will before municipalities all over the state want the same gun control ordinances.  Especially when 
there  is the power to make money off people owning and safely discharging firearms on their property.
Consider wearing some item of hunter orange so to show the level of support for  gun/property owner rights.  
Read the attachment, listen on Monday to one of the items on the gun control agenda in Vermont.
Important Reminder !!! No firearms are allowed on school property in Vermont, even locked in you vehicle. 

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

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