Friend --
 The Vermont Federation of Sportsman's Club applauds your activism! On June 10, 2019 Vermont Governor Phil Scott today vetoed S.169. The bill, if passed would have enacted an ineffective 24 hour waiting period on the lawful exercising of your constitutional right of obtaining a handgun. In the face of the current super majority in control of both the Vermont House of Representatives and Senate, this is indeed a bold move to protect the natural rights of the citizens of Vermont by the governor. If passed S.169 almost certainly would have been a base for an expansion of further restricting our civil rights and firearms owners by the simple ongoing expansion of restrictions. We ask you contact the governors office and thank Phil Scott for his actions on S.169. It is times like this that the governor needs to hear from residents that agree with his preserving our civil rights. Click Here to email Phil Scott Call the Governors office At: (802) 828-3333  Click Here To See Full Veto Letter Click Here To Read S.169 |