Monday, February 25, 2019

Urgent Legislative Alert 2/25/2019 Waiting Period

Friend --

There will be a hearing before the Vermont Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday February 28, 2019
This hearing is scheduled for 10:30 AM to noon. There will be testimony submitted to the committee regarding several important firearms bills.
  • The hearing takes up Senator Phil Baruth's S.22, a gun control law that would require a 48 hour waiting period after the NICS check to purchase of any firearm.
  • After you complete the check and pay for your firearm you would have to wait an additional 2 days to take possession of your firearm, remember you have already passed the background check and have paid for your firerarm, BEFORE the waiting period starts. This is for EVERY firearm purchased in Vermont, not just the first one.
  • S.22 also requires mandatory government defined lock-up of firearms.
  • This would mean that ALL of your firearms that are basically not being presently carried on your person must be locked up or rendered inoperable. this includes firearms locked in your vehicle and behind the locked doors of your homes and places of business. All of your guns, everywhere!
Now for some good news!
Senator John Rodgers introduced three bills to address problems with the firearm magazine ban bill, S.55 (now Act 94) That was passed in April 2018. These bills are S.1S.2S.3 and S.13

Take Action Now To Protect Your Civil Rights

You can leave a message for the Senate Judiciary Committee with the Sgt-at-Arms at 802-828-2228 to politely say:

"I support the gun rights bills of Senator Rodgers and I believe S.22 will not work and create delays that will have a seriously adverse impact gun rights in Vermont."
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Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

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