Monday, February 4, 2019

Multiple Waiting Period Bills Introduced in Vermont Legislature

Friend --

As the legislative year gets underway there are several anti gun bills introduced into the legislature. These proposed laws do nothing to deter illicit activity and are aimed at further restricting the rights of law abiding Vermonters

Today the house of representatives introduced H.158. This bill would require you to wait 72 hours before receiving a firearm you already completed a background check on. This is a sister bill the S.22 that was introduced into the senate requiring a waiting period and locking up of all of your firearms, even inside your home.


H.159 72 Hour Waiting Period


S22 48 hour Waiting period and Mandatory Lock Up Your Guns (even in home)


Remember the Vermont legislature now holds a veto proof majority in both the house and senate.

Is there another individual civil right that you are required to prove your innocence in advance to exercising, and when you have provided that proof by completing a background check, you are then forced to wait another 72 hours before being able to enjoy exercising your natural rights as affirmed by both the United States and Vermont constitutions. 


When is enough enough?   It is time to speak up and stop the stripping away of your rights


Contact your legislators immediately about these bills 


Click Here To Find My Vermont Legislator


Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs


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