Monday, February 25, 2019

Urgent Legislative Alert 2/25/2019 Waiting Period

Friend --

There will be a hearing before the Vermont Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday February 28, 2019
This hearing is scheduled for 10:30 AM to noon. There will be testimony submitted to the committee regarding several important firearms bills.
  • The hearing takes up Senator Phil Baruth's S.22, a gun control law that would require a 48 hour waiting period after the NICS check to purchase of any firearm.
  • After you complete the check and pay for your firearm you would have to wait an additional 2 days to take possession of your firearm, remember you have already passed the background check and have paid for your firerarm, BEFORE the waiting period starts. This is for EVERY firearm purchased in Vermont, not just the first one.
  • S.22 also requires mandatory government defined lock-up of firearms.
  • This would mean that ALL of your firearms that are basically not being presently carried on your person must be locked up or rendered inoperable. this includes firearms locked in your vehicle and behind the locked doors of your homes and places of business. All of your guns, everywhere!
Now for some good news!
Senator John Rodgers introduced three bills to address problems with the firearm magazine ban bill, S.55 (now Act 94) That was passed in April 2018. These bills are S.1S.2S.3 and S.13

Take Action Now To Protect Your Civil Rights

You can leave a message for the Senate Judiciary Committee with the Sgt-at-Arms at 802-828-2228 to politely say:

"I support the gun rights bills of Senator Rodgers and I believe S.22 will not work and create delays that will have a seriously adverse impact gun rights in Vermont."
Find your local legislators here: Find My Vermont Legislator

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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Sunday, February 17, 2019

SCFC Board of Directors and Club Officer's Meeting


SCFC Board of Directors and Club Officer's Meeting

SCFC Board of Directors and Club Officer's Meeting.

There will be a Board of Director's meeting this Wednesday February 20, 2019 from 7:00PM-9:00PM at the club house. Members are welcome to attend.

Thank you,
Kurt Eckert
SCFC President. ]<-

Wednesday, February 20th
7pm to 9pm
Club house

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Important Gun Legislation Meeting in Rutland February 21, 2019

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Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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Friday, February 15, 2019

Vermont Federation Sportsmans Clubs Events

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

Friend --

The Vermont Federation of Sportsman's Clubs would like to extend an invitation to several events.

Please share these events with friends and family.

2/17/19 10am -1pm
The Federation's Monthly Meeting 
Sunday, February 17, at the Barre F&G Club starting at 10 AM. All supporters of our causes are welcome and encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to get involved in the sportman's issues that are important to you.

2/19/19 5pm -8pm
The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Annual Legislative Mixer at the Vermont Statehouse
This event is an opportunity for anglers, hunters. and shooters to speak with legislators and Vermont F&W personnel. Wearing hunter orange is encouraged. This is your opportunity to mingle with your legislature.
Already there have been several gun control bills introduced (check link) and there will be bills that restrict or ban traditional forms of hunting and fishing.   Bills are continually being introduced:
The Federation books the cafeteria of the state house for the mixer and provides free "finger food' and there is a cash bar.  The mixer is in the early evening in order for working people to attend and because the parking situation is much better in the evening.
The Vermont State House is located at 115 State Street in Montpelier.  The cafeteria is on the second floor.  

Vermont State House - Click here for directions


3/9/19 5pm - until the fun ends
The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Annual Banquet
A great evening of fun with friends and fellow sportsmen and women. Support the federation and have fun at the same time. Games prizes and raffles.
Adult dinner is $35.00
Youth dinner (12 and under) is $15.00
To get tickets:
Marcia Marble
14 Stafford Avenue
Morrisville VT 05661
(802) 888-3418

3/16/19 - 3/17/19   9am-5pm
Essex Vermont Gun Show Presented by Lamoille Valley Fish & Game
  • More than 200 tables of new and used modern and antique firearms
  • Hunting equipment and accessories
  • Complimentary Airsoft shooting range for juniors 
  • Sporting clubs to find a place to shoot and get instruction


Adult Entry $10

Kids under 12 free

Location: Champlain Valley Expo - Click here for directions

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Multiple Waiting Period Bills Introduced in Vermont Legislature

Friend --

As the legislative year gets underway there are several anti gun bills introduced into the legislature. These proposed laws do nothing to deter illicit activity and are aimed at further restricting the rights of law abiding Vermonters

Today the house of representatives introduced H.158. This bill would require you to wait 72 hours before receiving a firearm you already completed a background check on. This is a sister bill the S.22 that was introduced into the senate requiring a waiting period and locking up of all of your firearms, even inside your home.


H.159 72 Hour Waiting Period


S22 48 hour Waiting period and Mandatory Lock Up Your Guns (even in home)


Remember the Vermont legislature now holds a veto proof majority in both the house and senate.

Is there another individual civil right that you are required to prove your innocence in advance to exercising, and when you have provided that proof by completing a background check, you are then forced to wait another 72 hours before being able to enjoy exercising your natural rights as affirmed by both the United States and Vermont constitutions. 


When is enough enough?   It is time to speak up and stop the stripping away of your rights


Contact your legislators immediately about these bills 


Click Here To Find My Vermont Legislator


Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs


VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.


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SCFC President update.


Hello, Friends!

Recently there have been a lot of questions about target backers at the range. I have posted a few times on the subject but I want to clarify the current status.

Due to the regular and ongoing destruction of club property by some shooters the decision was made to not replace target backers until a system could be put in place to monitor use of the club. This is because backers were purposely being destroyed within days of their installation. Most recently the cable system that was installed on the 25 was purposely cut. Until this system can be implemented it is recommended that you bring your own target backers. There are quite a few inexpensive options including purchase or making them out of 2x4s.

I would also like to take this time to outline my long-term plan to address the issues with a small percentage of our range users.

1. Replace the current system of a lock with a combination that can easily be shared with anyone and replace it with a system that uses card keys. These cards will be linked to an individual member and as such will allow us to take action to suspend or cancel the membership of members that act in a malicious or unsafe manner.
2. Install video surveillance throughout the club so that activities on the range can be linked to individual members.
3. Establish a code of conduct on the range so that those members who are either personally damaging club property or allowing that damage to happen can be removed or have their memberships suspended.
1. Replace the current system of a lock with a combination that can easily be shared with anyone and replace it with a system that uses card keys. These cards will be linked to an individual member and as such will allow us to take action to suspend or cancel the membership of members that act in a malicious or unsafe manner.
2. Install video surveillance throughout the club so that activities on the range can be linked to individual members.
3. Establish a code of conduct on the range so that those members who are either personally damaging club property or allowing that damage to happen can be removed or have their memberships suspended.

The vast majority of our club members are responsible shooters that respect club property and I thank them for that. I think these few changes will allow us to return to providing target backers on all the ranges.

Kurt Eckert
Club President

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