Thursday, December 15, 2016

Warning: Proposed Bylaws change to Article IV:

Proposed Bylaws change to Article IV:

Lack of board participation resulting in difficulty and inability to operate the club efficiently has created a need to decrease the size of the current board from 15 to 9. Proposed changes to the bylaws follow.


The current article reads as follows:

                   Article IV: Officers and Directors.

The Officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These Officers shall be elected at the Club's annual meeting to a one year term.


A Board of fifteen (15) Directors shall be elected in the amount of one third of the board (or five members) at each annual meeting. The Directors shall serve a 3-2-1 year term(s).


Officers and Directors may be considered for re-election to any position after their terms are expired.


Each Director shall have one vote.


No business, unfinished or new may be taken by the board or officers unless eight (8) or more directors are present.


At the discretion of the Board any officer or Board member may be removed by a majority vote of the entire Board.


A.   President


The President shall be ultimately responsible for the daily on- going operations of The Sportsman's Club of Franklin County. He/She shall oversee all facets of the club. He/She shall report directly and solely to the Board of Directors.


B.   Vice President


In the absence of the President the Vice President shall act on his/her behalf in the management of the Sportsman's Club of Franklin County. The Vice-President shall report directly and solely to the President.


C.   Treasurer


The Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of all funds and all fund transactions and render a detailed report at the meetings of the Directors or general membership ordered by said Board. Records may be audited annually, or at the request of the Board. NOTE: Supplies for record keeping will be provided for by the Club. Financial Statements will be prepared monthly for the Board Meetings.


D.   Secretary


The Secretary shall keep accurate records and oversee all correspondence and have record of the same. Additionally the Secretary shall keep custody of the Club records and books.


E.   Board of Directors


The duties of the Board shall be the same as those prescribed by law for Directors of Vermont Corporations. The Board will transact all business of the Club.



Changed to read:

                   Article IV: Officers and Directors.

The Officers of the Club shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These Officers shall be elected at the Club's annual meeting to a one year term.


A Board of fifteen (9) Directors shall be elected in the amount of one third of the board (or 3 members) at each annual meeting. The Directors shall serve a 3-2-1 year term(s).


Officers and Directors may be considered for re-election to any position after their terms are expired.


Each Director shall have one vote.


No business, unfinished or new may be taken by the board or officers unless five (5) or more directors are present.


At the discretion of the Board any officer or Board member may be removed by a majority vote of the entire Board.


F.   President


The President shall be ultimately responsible for the daily on- going operations of The Sportsman's Club of Franklin County. He/She shall oversee all facets of the club. He/She shall report directly and solely to the Board of Directors.


G.  Vice President


In the absence of the President the Vice President shall act on his/her behalf in the management of the Sportsman's Club of Franklin County. The Vice-President shall report directly and solely to the President.


H.  Treasurer


The Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of all funds and all fund transactions and render a detailed report at the meetings of the Directors or general membership ordered by said Board. Records may be audited annually, or at the request of the Board. NOTE: Supplies for record keeping will be provided for by the Club. Financial Statements will be prepared monthly for the Board Meetings.


I.     Secretary


The Secretary shall keep accurate records and oversee all correspondence and have record of the same. Additionally the Secretary shall keep custody of the Club records and books.


J.    Board of Directors


The duties of the Board shall be the same as those prescribed by law for Directors of Vermont Corporations. The Board will transact all business of the Club.