Thursday, February 20, 2025

Join us at the 2025 Legislative Mixer

Legislative Mixer this coming Tuesday, 2/25/2025
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Bernard --

Please join the Federation and our Friends at our annual Legislative Mixer, this coming Tuesday 2/25/2025 at the Statehouse Cafeteria starting at 4:30.  

John Rodgers is scheduled to speak, as well as Interim Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Andrea Shortsleeve, selected F&W staff, members of the Legislative Sportsman's Caucus, and other speakers of interest. 

There will be free finger food, cash bar, a raffle drawing for some great gifts, and the right place to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Bring the family, bring some friends, the whole intent is to provide a time and place to bring sportspeople together for some social time and at the same time get the notice of the legislators.

In fact:  Contact your legislators, tell them you'll be coming, and ask them to meet you there!  You can look up your legislators here.

Regarding bills in play, the only bill of concern to us that has begun to move (so far) is H.132 - An act relating to the taking of Furbearers. This bill would prohibit the use of a firearm, bow or crossbow to take a furbearer over a bait pile. 

Testimony was taken this past Wednesday, you can see the VTFSC's testimony here, with the VTFSC and VTC giving compelling testimony. All testimony was taken in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.

Our primary concern with this bill is that taking coyotes over bait is an irreplaceable tool that helps to control their population, and a simple internet search on "coyote attacks" shows why they need to be kept in check.

We'll know more on H.132 by Tuesday, and we can directly update you then.

There are other bills in play (Go to our website and click Current Bills in Play), however none are moving and we will keep you posted if they do.

Regarding the Snope v Brown (challenge to semi-automatic rifle ban) and Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island (challenge to standard capacity magazines), SCOTUS has kept relisting them.  I believe their last conference of this term will be tomorrow, where I believe we will see them Granting Certiorari (review) on both, but if they do it will likely be for their next term which would begin in the Fall of this year.

SCOTUS has a track record of moving slowly with 2A cases, and granting Certiorari for the Fall term would allow both sides of the two challenges ample time to prepare for what will be landmark cases.

We do however know the eventual outcome:  We are well past "infringed."

Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Yours in Freedom and Liberty -
Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
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