Governor Opted to NOT Veto H230
Bernard At 4PM today, Governor Phil Scott announced that he will let H.230 become law without his signature and without attempting a veto. While the Governor tacitly supported the Negligent Storage provision as well as the expansion of Extreme Risk Protection Orders, his Press Release indicated that he saw the Waiting Period section as "problematic".
He then went further and indicated he had "significant concerns about the provision's constitutionality" and then referred to the Oath of Office that both he and all legislators take to "not do any act or thing injurious to the constitution." To say that we are in disbelief would be an understatement as everyone knows that this will be challenged, if not here in Vermont in Federal District Court (and then on to the 2nd Circuit), then it will happen with cases already pending before the 7th and 9th Circuit Courts. We are however confident that the Constitutionality of a Waiting Period, just like the Constitutionality of magazine bans and modern sporting rifle bans, will end up in the trash bin of unconstitutional laws.
Thank you for reading; thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; and please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs | Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders. |