Bernard At 4PM today, the House Judiciary Committee took up the version of H.230 that was passed by the Senate to see if they could concur with the changed version. If they did not, there would be a Concurrence Committee set up. Of the three major sections, Senate Judiciary had changed "Safe Storage" to Negligent Storage (patterned after NH law), and they added Clear and Convincing as a standard of evidence when an ERPO filing is made by a family or household member. Senate Judiciary did not however change the Waiting Period section of 72-hours, so that piece, and the date when gun shows die has been set. After some very interesting discussion, House Judiciary committee voted to concur with the Senate version by a single vote margin of 6-5, with 2 democrats joining the 3 republicans to oppose concurrence. In the U.S., we are now aware of two challenges to Waiting Periods laws, one in CO and one in CA, and we KNOW that Waiting Periods can not stand constitutional scrutiny under a Bruen lens. The bill now goes to the Governor. Our Governor previously opposed a 24-hour Waiting Period so we know of no reason he wouldn't oppose a 72-hour Waiting Period, even in the face of a possible veto-proof majority. The Administration is aware of the Heller and Bruen decisions as well as the above referenced court cases, so they know the legal landscape. We now work to try and change the minds of our elected officials to support his veto, and we only need 2 in the Senate. We however need to make ALL of our own elected officials uncomfortable about a vote in favor of a bill that is unconstitutional, no matter what their possible good intention may be. It's the Constitution. Please use our Take Action page to contact your elected officials to express your concerns. Then forward this email to like-minded friends and family and urge them to Take Action as well. Thank you for reading; thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; and please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |