Bernard - Last week the House Judiciary Committee had hearings on S.265, a criminal threatening bill. The bill would make a "special victim" category for just government officials. Washington County State's Attorney Rory Thibault raised the question of amending S.265 from a misdemeanor to a felony crime, so it could be used to remove the right of firearm ownership by using federal law 18 U.S. Code § 922 (g). Thibault has done this previously (see down below); his testimony starts at starts in the House Judiciary Committee video at 9:30 (9 minutes 30 seconds). Thibault's statements are immediately followed by Rep Martin LaLonde bringing up amending Vermont law to make a conviction of the misdemeanor law that S.265 would create the basis for the loss of the right to own a firearm under Vermont law 13 V.S.A. § 4017. Then Matthew Valerio, Vermont Defender General, testified that S.265 should not be a felony crime. 21:30 (21 Minutes 30 Seconds). He stated he understands that prosecutors want to pursue the restriction of firearm ownership, but points out that a felony conviction would endanger/terminate other rights of citizenship too. Then Harrison Stark, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Vermont testified Vermont's current laws were viable and S.265 was unnecessary. He also stated that if the legislature were to vote, it should vote for S.265, without amendment. Testimony at 55:00 (55:00 Minutes). Prosecutor Thibault and gun control advocate Representative LaLonde (D -South Burlington) are attempting to use S.265 as a means to extend the prohibition of the private ownership of firearms in Vermont. Watch Washington Country State's Attorney testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee at 50:00 (50 Minutes) advocating the that S.265 be a felony crime: Not because the crime warranted being a felony, but to be the basis to terminate the gun ownership rights of citizens. Please E-mail Amber Burke, the House Judiciary Committee Assistant, at with the polite message for the all of the members of the committee that: "S.265 is completely unnecessary, as existing law works, and the bill is being misused by Rep. Martin LaLonde as a vehicle for a Gun Control Campaign." Thanks & Best Regards VTFSC  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |