Bernard - I start with my most heartfelt Thank You for all of your assistance in helping us to steer these bills. We did VERY WELL all things considered, especially since two bills were outright bans, and those bans were killed.
Our concerns were with S.129 (Change the F&W Board), S.201 (Anti-Trapping) and S.281 (Ban on hunting coyote with dogs).
S.129 As previously reported, and as a result of your contacting Senators and the Committee, it was realized that this would need far more time to discuss. This issue is not dead, just set aside, but we now have time to further discuss that this change is not needed. This was a GOOD outcome for us. S.281 There will be a temporary moratorium on coyote hunting with dogs while the F&W Department and the F&W Board make rules that will cover this activity. While we dislike the moratorium, thanks to your response the committee veered away from making all land in Vermont posted by default which would have essentially killed this activity. This outcome is light years ahead of an outright ban, especially considering that our opposition poured gobs of money into pushing for an outright ban. S.201 There is no question this bill gravely concerned us. In response to this threat, you responded. Also: The Vermont Trappers Association (VTA) voted to petition the F&W S.201 to require traps that conform to Best Management Practices (something they are already doing). The actions by you and the VTA likely saved Vermont from an outright ban, and we are pleased with this outcome. We are especially pleased given the tons of money and "lobbying" done by our opposition that demanded nothing less than a complete ban. Again: Thank you for taking the actions we asked for. Your responses were pivotal in making these outcomes a reality.
Well Done. If you believe that the VTFSC greatly aided in these outcomes, then PLEASE consider making a donation to our organization so that we can continue and even increase our efforts. Thanks & Best Regards Chris Bradley President & Executive Director – VT Federation of Sportsman's Clubs, Inc.  Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |