Bernard - This morning the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee again took up S.281, the bill to ban the hunting coyotes with dogs. The committee hearing started with the announcement that there were now not one but two drafts of the S.281, both released that morning, that even several of the committee members had not seen. To view the committee hearing of this morning you can click on this link. Chris Bradley, President of the Vermont Federation starts the hearing. Kim Royar of VT F&W Department starts at 22:30, however there is a break in her testimony to allow for Legislative Counsel Mike O'Grady to walk through draft 1.3. Kim Royar resumes her testimony at 57:25. Kim Royar's testimony is particularly compelling as to why S.281 is a problem. The latest draft contains sections that seriously threatening the use of dogs to hunt coyote in Vermont, with the most serious threat being banning the use of GPS tracking collars. If enacted into law: This would bar a person hunting coyote with GPS collars on their dogs, with the use of such a collar previously allowing the dog to be considered "under control". Without GPS, dogs would have to be leashed, which will quite effectively kill that sport, and remove a valuable tool that we have to manage and control coyote. Further: A dog owner would be liable for trespass if their dog strayed even one foot onto posted property. Many hunters spend a lot of money on their dogs and invest much more in training. If this ban is created for hunting coyotes with dogs, is it is only logical that the anti-hunting advocates will want to extend this ban to other forms of hunting with dogs. Hunting rabbits, raccoons and bears would be the next targets. Beyond S.281 however, the committee apparently intends to move the two other even more egregious bills the week of 3/7, with those being S.201 (ban on foothold traps) and S.129 (Restructure of F&W Board). These are all bad bills, and it appears as though the committee wishes to ram them all thru the week after next (the legislature is closed next week for Town Meeting) in less than 4 days. To oppose S.281 as well as any further movement of S.129 or S.201, PLEASE cut the below emails and paste them into the "to:" box of your email program, which will then be sent to the 5 members of the committee, as well as Senate Pro Tem Balint.;;;;; You can use a subject line of: NO TO S.281, S.201 and S.129 Then tell them: S.129, S.201 and S.281 all adversely affect Vermonters who enjoy outdoor sports. As such, they should not be rushed; Fish & Wildlife Department should be allowed to establish the required rules based on science and that these issues deserve a deliberative process that is expected from the Senate. Please be polite; you are representing all sportspeople. Things are moving fast right now, so please stay tuned across this next week as we provide you more information. If you feel we are doing a service to the sportspeople of Vermont, please donate to help us continue protecting your rights.  Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |