Bernard -- The VTFSC is requesting that you consider contacting your Vermont House Representative(s) to politely say "Oppose H.133, it clearly lacks Due Process of Law" (You can see the bill problems below). You can leave a message for them with the Sergeant at Arms at 802-828-2228, or or better yet: Send them and E-mail relating your opposition to H.133. To identify your House Representative(s) click on this link: https://legislature.vermont.gov/people/search/2022 If you know the names of your House Representatives click on this link: https://legislature.vermont.gov/people/all/2022/House Gun Control Bill H.133 passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on straight party lines. The four Republican committee members voted against it. All of the Democratic/Progressive members voted for it. The bill will now move to the floor of the entire Vermont House of Representatives. The hearing starts at the beginning of the video and is short in duration in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNt5189Cykg H.133 requires a person subject to a temporary Relief From Abuse order to relinquish all of their firearms. This is an Ex Parte proceeding, which means the subject of the order is not required to be informed of the hearing and the order can be granted without the defendant having an opportunity to be present, present evidence or have any representation. The level of evidence to grant the order is a "Preponderance" which means any degree in favor of the plaintiff seeking the order. Just the weight of a feather in favor of the plaintiff. How is possible that the plaintiff seeking the order would not prevail when the defendant does not know of the hearing, is not present, will not be able to provide evidence or have representation. In the federal statute (United State Code) governing such civil orders, Ex Parte proceedings are not legal. Due Process of Law still means something in places other than Vermont. But, in the Vermont Legislature protection of constitution rights and fair play for gun owners is not required. Please contact your representatives. Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ |