Bernard -- Update: 2/19/2021 The Federation regrets to report that the Vermont Supreme Court has issued decisions in both Magazine Ban cases, with their decision being that the Ban is Constitutional. In making their decision, the Supreme Court relied on only a "reasonableness test" as opposed to a more rigid Intermediate Scrutiny or Strict Scrutiny, they appear to have ignored any consideration for violation of Common Benefits, and further appear to have based their decision entirely on the evidence presented in that OTHER case, and then applied that ruling to our case. You can read the lengthy and extremely disappointing decision at this link. You can then see their one-page decision on our case at this link. At this time we are evaluating our options, but we should all remember that not all of the Vermont Supreme Court's decisions have withstood scrutiny by SCOTUS, and that SCOTUS must rule on this issue sooner or later. Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ | Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders. |