Bernard -- Just a brief update...
As of today, 291 bills have been submitted to the House, with 85 bills submitted in the Senate. As these bills appear, we parse them for topics of interest, and distill them down to a list of bills we track. You can see that list, broken out by subject matter, on the home page of the VTFSC website. We update this regularly. On the F&W side, we are tracking 6 bills of significant concern. Of those, H.167 (creation of ANR Stewardship Board) and H.172 (anti-Trapping and Bear Hunting) are especially nasty. Nothing is moving on these bills - yet. Should either move: Sportspeople should be ready to stand with the VT Trappers and VT Bear Houndsmen. We'll be watching for any movement on any of these, and we'll deal with them along with our allies as they come. On the Firearm side, we are tracking 11 bills of significant concern, with S.30 (banning firearms in certain places) and H.133 (firearm relinquishment in DV cases) both taking testimony which we have delivered. S.30 has a number of issues, not the least of which is redundancy as well as imposing strict liability, with no further action this week or last. H.133 is an attempt to codify what is clearly judicial over-reach into law which steps all over Due Process rights. There are a number of other bad firearm-related bills out there, but so far nothing else is moving. Just so you are aware: "Crossover" is when bills that have been passed by one body are moved over for action with the other. Theoretically: Any bill not passed by a Committee on one side before crossover has to wait until the next session for action by the other side. Crossover is usually the 2nd Friday after town-meeting, or for this year: March 12th. The Mag Ban case is awaiting a final decision in VT Supreme Court, and we remain positive that we will have a favorable decision, especially after the District Court of Southern California and 3-panel 9th Circuit decisions. We'll keep you posted. As the VTFSC had to pay in $10K to get that case thru the VT Supreme Court - we'd really appreciate your consideration of a donation. Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ |