Monday, May 18, 2020

Hammond Cove Shooting Rage Open

Bernard --


Hammond Cove Shooting Range
Hammond Cove Shooting Range will open Saturday, May 16. 
Hammond Cove Shooting Range in Hartland is free and open to the public, featuring a six-port 100-yard rifle range and a pistol bench.


The Hammond Cove Shooting Range is located at the end of Ferry Road in Hartland -


May 16th - December 14th 

Thursday – Monday: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

December 15th – March 31st
All Tuesdays and Wednesdays
All State and Federal Holiday


  • A Vermont hunting or fishing license is required for users 15 years and older.
  • License holders can bring one guest, but after three visits that guest must purchase a license.
  • Shooters and spectators are required to wear hearing and eye protection.
  • Children (aged 16 years or younger) must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Do not handle or shoot any firearms while anyone is beyond or in front of the firing line, shooting benches or otherwise down range.
  • Before going down range, you must communicate to all shooters to cease shooting.
  • Loaded firearms must remain pointed in a safe direction at all times.
  • All shooters must fire from, or next to, the shooting benches.
  • Shooters must be on the firing line before capping and priming muzzleloaders.
  • All firearms must remain unloaded, with actions open, until the shooter is ready to fire at the firing line.
  • All objects, trash, targets and spent cartridge hulls must be removed or placed in trash receptacles by users before leaving the range.
  • Only paper targets secured to target frames are allowed (e.g. no cans, bottles, or other items).
  • Do not shoot at any target frames, vegetation, trash, range equipment or facilities.


  • Using the shooting range at any other time than the posted range hours.
  • Firing more than one round per second.
  • Shooting long rifles or shotguns from the pistol bench is prohibited, as is shooting pistols from the rifle benches.
  • Shooting from the hip or any other shooting position in which the shooter cannot properly utilize the sights.
  • The use of tracer, armor piercing or steel core ammunition.
  • Using any fireworks, pyrotechnics, or any other explosive targets, including tannerite.
  • The shooting of any airborne or thrown objects (e.g. clay pigeons).
  • The use of cigarettes, pipes, drugs or alcohol.
  • Any person who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • The presence of any domestic animal or pets except bona fide Service and Assistance Animals.
To ensure, these rules are followed, a range officer will be present when the range is open.

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
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