Bernard --  On Tuesday, February 11, the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs will be hosting its annual legislative mixer. The event will take place in the Capitol cafeteria at 5:00pm on the second floor of the Capitol. Guest speakers have been invited to address topics of concern. You are cordially invited to come hear speakers representing hunting, fishing, trapping and the shooting sports. Several legislators typically attend and the federation will provide snacks, coffee, tea and a cash bar. The following week, on Tuesday, February 18, the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a public hearing on H.610 in the House Chambers from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. This measure expands the "red flag" law, and blocks firearm transfers on delayed NICS checks. For more details about the hearing, you can click here. The committee will be taking public testimony, but even if you don't wish to speak, your attendance will make a difference. Come stand in solidarity with other gun owners, and as always, please wear orange to both events so that legislators can easily see that Vermonters overwhelmingly oppose gun control!
Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |