Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Urgent Action needed Hunting Rights In Vermont

Bernard --

In Partnership with Vermont Traditions Coalition

Hello All,

Once more the time has come for us to step up and work together to oppose some terrible legislation at the State House. This time, our dog hunting community is under attack! This language was not in the bill when Senator Nitka introduced it! It was amended in by Senator Bray after informal discussions with folks outside of the committee room.  

This is a CRITICAL alert to ACT upon!! Please take the time and share it widely!

Details of exactly how bad this bill now is follow the instructions below. It prescribes a PERMANENT LOSS OF PRIVILEGES as a penalty! Nothing like that exists in statute!

Starting Tuesday morning, please call the Sergeant-at-Arms at (802) 828-2228 and ask them to deliver this message to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy. 

"I urge you to remove sections 15-18 (Wildlife Governance and Bear Hunting) in S.321. These sections benefit neither the people nor the wildlife of Vermont."

I understand that this is frustrating, but it's important to remain civil. Be polite, but firm!

Furthermore, send an email prior to this Thursday to the same effec(be sure to include your town of residence) to the senators on the committee:

cbray@leg.state.vt.us (Addison)

bcampion@leg.state.vt.us (Bennington)

cparent@leg.state.vt.us (Franklin)

jrodgers@leg.state.vt.us (Essex / Orleans)

mmacdonald@leg.state.vt.us (Orange)


The Senate Natural Resources Committee is contemplating language which would effectively end bear hunting with hounds in the state of Vermont as well as potentially creating yet another board to oversee the Fish and Wildlife Board, which guides the  Fish and Wildlife Department, which is already overseen by the Agency of Natural Resources and the Administrative Branch. 

More importantly, the bear hound language can quickly be adapted to apply to any hunting dog!

The hounding language is truly harmful!! 


1: Loses sight of a dog;

2: Has a dog get more than 528 feet away; or

3: Has a dog go on property where they didn't have written permission ...

They may not HUNT, TRAIN, OR ACCOMPANY for FIVE YEARS on a first offense; and 

will be PROHIBITED FOR LIFE on a second offense!

-It would require anyone "hunting black bear with dogs" to maintain "control" at all times.

Control is defined as:
maintaining constant visual contact and never being more than 528 feet from any dog; and

It would require that dogs not pursue a bear onto any property where the hunter does not have "prior written permission".

Further, this bill would prohibit the Commissioner from allowing "training a hunting dog to pursue black bear" outside of the regular training season; and

-It would reduce the season for anyone "training a hunting dog to pursue black bear"

Consider these pieces carefully. 

If one removes the words "black bear" from the control pieces they read "hunting with a dog"

-If one removes the words "to pursue black bear" from the training piece, it reads, "training a hunting dog" .

Incidentally, every other type of dog training is included in this same statute. This could easily be your beagle, coon dog, foxhound, or pointer. In fact, the suggestion has already been made on the record in committee that singling out bear hounds is inappropriate and perhaps this control definition should apply to all hunting dogs.

For full text of the bill, click here, and remember, this is all new language. In fact, ALL highlighted language has been added this week. Again, this was not in the bill when Senator Nitka introduced it! DO NOT be angry with her over this.

We need all hands on deck here folks! Please don't sit this one out, and make sure to share with everyone!!! This is the worst outright attack on our hunting traditions in years!

My Best Regards,
Mike Covey
Executive Director
Vermont Traditions Coalition

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

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Thursday, February 20, 2020

2020 VTFSC Banquet Invitation

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

Bernard --


When: MARCH 14, 2020    Doors open at 4:00pm Dinner Served at 6:30pm

The doors will open at 4:00 PM for cash bar, games and socializing.
As always, this will be a fun filled evening for all with plenty of opportunities to win many
great prizes including firearms, sporting goods, toys, tools, furniture, collectibles, clothing and so much more!

There will be a Live Auction, raffles and games of chance

The "Early Bird Sponsor's Raffle" is available to those who send in their $200 sponsor check by March 1, 2020. You will pick up at the door the "SPONSOR'S" package of raffle tickets which includes the coveted "SPONSOR'S GIFT RAFFLE" and the chance to win one of several firearms, scopes, a gun safe, or other favored items.


For ticket or general banquet information, call Roy or Marcia Marble at 802-888-3418
or email: marblerealty@comcast.net.

Donations of items or gift certificates from your business or hobby are appreciated.
Dinner space is limited so sign up early.

Your attendance supports the Federation's efforts to protect and enhance YOUR hunting, fishing, trapping, firearms rights, and keeping your shooting ranges open.


Roy and Marcia Marble, Larry and Lise Hamel,
Keith and Sedney Ulrich, Ed Wilson, and Terry Williams
Banquet Committee

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
This email was sent to sportsmanscluboffranklincounty.clubnews@blogger.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

February 18th Public Hearing Anti Gun Bill H.610

Bernard --


This Tuesday February 18th 2020
The House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing on expanding existing red "Red Flag" legislation, in the House Chambers from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.
Article 16 supporters and Second Amendment supporters are strongly encouraged to attend this hearing and voice their opposition!
H.610 makes it easier for family members to initiate "red flag" complaints. Under the current law, petitioning the court has to be done by prosecutors. The new version of H.610 will allow any family member or a resident of a house to initiate a red flag seizure to anyone else in the residence. The law greatly infringes on due process under the law for citizens of Vermont. The House Judiciary Committee has been working around the clock to keep their actions hidden from public scrutiny. The continual erosion of constitutional rights by our legislature must come to an end.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
- United States Declaration of  Independence 
The bill, by Judiciary Chairwoman Maxine Grad, also contains a provision that blocks "default proceed" for NICS checks which are delayed.  Under federal law, transfers can proceed after three days.   H.610 prohibits proceeding with the transfer for 30 days, suspending the constitutional rights of someone who may in fact not be a prohibited person.
This is the equivalent of being treated as a criminal until you can prove otherwise.
The committee will be taking public testimony, but even if you don't wish to speak, your attendance does make a difference.  
Come stand in solidarity with other gun owners, and as always, please wear orange to both events so that legislators can easily see that Vermonters overwhelmingly oppose gun control!


We will again be distributing American Flags and Orange Federation Tee shirts at the door



For More Hearing Information Click Here

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
This email was sent to sportsmanscluboffranklincounty.clubnews@blogger.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Federation Monthly Meeting February 16th 2020

Bernard --

The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs will have its monthly meeting at 10 A.M. this Sunday, February 16th at the Barre F&G Club.
Addressed in the meeting will be:
*The Public Hearing on gun control bill H.610 on Tuesday night at the State House,
* Legislation in the Vermont State House,
* Legislative lobbying duties performed by the VTFSC,
* The upcoming VTFSC Annual Banquet and,
^ Other business
A great lunch will be provided by Soup&Greens Restaurant, available for the price of a donation to cover costs.

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
This email was sent to sportsmanscluboffranklincounty.clubnews@blogger.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Legislative Mixer Tuesday February 11th 2020

Bernard --



On Tuesday, February 11, the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs will be hosting its annual legislative mixer.  The event will take place in the Capitol cafeteria at 5:00pm on the second floor of the Capitol. 
Guest speakers have been invited to address topics of concern.  You are cordially invited to come hear speakers representing hunting, fishing, trapping and the shooting sports.  Several legislators typically attend and the federation will provide snacks, coffee, tea and a cash bar. 
The following week, on Tuesday, February 18, the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a public hearing on H.610 in the House Chambers from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.  This measure expands the "red flag" law, and blocks firearm transfers on delayed NICS checks.  For more details about the hearing, you can click here.
The committee will be taking public testimony, but even if you don't wish to speak, your attendance will make a difference. 
Come stand in solidarity with other gun owners, and as always, please wear orange to both events so that legislators can easily see that Vermonters overwhelmingly oppose gun control! ​

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
This email was sent to sportsmanscluboffranklincounty.clubnews@blogger.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.