Monday, August 19, 2019

Important Outdoor Use Survey - Your Input is Needed

Friend --

Vermont's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)
is being updated!

What is the SCORP?

The SCORP is a plan which assesses the provision and need for outdoor recreation in a state. States are required to update their SCORP every five years to remain eligible to receive federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, as well the federal Recreational Trails Program funds. The plan guides outdoor recreation policies, programs and funding for projects. If you want to you can read the last SCORP  to get a sense of the type of information it gathers here:

How can I get involved?

1. Take the online public input survey.   The survey will be available online from August 8th- September 2nd, 2019. I did this online and it was quick and painless with opportunities to comment beyond just checking a pre-generated box.

2. Attend an open-house style public meeting:

  • Monday August 19th,  6-8 pm, Brattleboro Central Fire Station
  • Tuesday, August 27th, 6-8 pm, Thatcher Brook School Gymnasium, Waterbury

3. If you are an outdoor recreation provider (public or private entity that provides outdoor recreation services, programs or assets), please contact Jessica Savage at or 802-249-1230 to take a provider survey.

4. Contact Jessica Savage at or 802-249-1230 with any comments or questions.

5. Call 802-598-4551 or email to have a paper copy of the survey mailed to you.

I hope everyone will engage this as it will guide recreation funding to a significant degree in the coming years.

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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