Friday, February 23, 2018

Urgent Action Needed! Anti-gun laws moving in VT and St Albans Mayor supports it.

rifle hunt snipe

Urgent Action Needed!!!

There is an all-out offensive on your gun rights in Vermont. The leadership in Montpelier will stop at nothing to blame you the law abiding citizen for crimes that YOU did not commit. The legislative process in Vermont is being manipulated by outside forces to strip you of your rights. The process that can take months or even years is being rammed through in mere days. Make no mistake Vermont is a one party system that does not allow any input into the process from anyone that does not support the leadership views. This is wrong and does not represent the rights of ALL Vermonters.

As a member of the Sportsman's Club of Franklin County we need YOU to contact the senators that represent Franklin County.

Call Senators Randy Brock and Carolyn Branagan IMMEDIATELY. Call them at home this weekend. Do not wait.
Email them, write a clear polite email outlining your feelings about the present legislative proceedings.

Franklin Carolyn Branagan R 782-4108

Franklin Randy Brock R 868-2300

Possible talking points for you are:
* Concern for the lack of openness and the behind the scenes deal making.
* The embarrassing manipulation of our children for political gain.
* Political influence from out of state. The director of the forces pushing this agenda is a NH resident.
* Praise our Vermont law enforcement community, enforce our laws as on the books. The LAW worked in Poultney.
* Oppose S.6 and H.422 and any new restrictions that will be introduced and fast tracked in the coming weeks, including a possible magazine ban.

If you live in St Albans, Call your MAYOR!

Vermont Mayors Respond to Governor Scott and Legislators' Support of Commonsense Gun Reforms

Mayors Note Past and Current VMC Support for Universal Background Checks and Other Measures to Protect All Vermonters

Montpelier, VT – Today, Vermont Mayors issued statements welcoming Governor Scott and legislators' support of commonsense gun reforms. Since 2013, the Vermont Mayors Coalition has supported a number of proposed commonsense gun reforms to ensure the safety of all Vermonters. These reforms have included:
• Urging state lawmakers to require universal background checks for all gun sales.
• Calling for notification of Vermont law enforcement agencies when a prohibited person attempts to purchase a firearm.
• Supporting Burlington's right to take the steps the City felt were necessary to protect public safety.
(<--- Allowing cities to pass their own GUN CONTROL!)_
• Enacting a State law prohibiting a felon from possessing a firearm so that such an offense may be prosecuted under State law in addition to federal law.
The VMC urges Montpelier leaders to consider all of these anew as part of their new consideration of gun reforms.

St. Albans Mayor Liz Gamache: "Our children are making it abundantly clear – our inability to move beyond the status quo is not acceptable. We must be open to moving beyond partisan positions and corporate interests to have the difficult conversations that will lead to effective policy changes that will keep our schools and communities safer."

Call Liz and let her know your feelings.

(802) 524-1500 ext. 255

Load Up her Email

This "Mayor Coalition" is run by the "Anti-gun" Mayor Miro of Burlington who support Assault Weapons Bans and magazine caps.

Let Liz no you are not happy.


Vermont Federation Of Sportsmen's Clubs Information

20180222 Urgent Action Page 1
20180222 Urgent Action Page 2
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