Bernard -- As of this morning, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) announced that they had "Re-Listed" Snope v Brown (a challenge Maryland's "Assault Weapons Ban" or "AWB") as well as Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island (a challenge to Delaware's "Large Capacity Magazine" or "LCM" ban). What "Re-Listing" means is that SCOTUS has expressed interest in closely examining both cases so as to possibly grant Certiorari (review), but before they do they want to ensure that there were no procedural errors made by the lower courts. As SCOTUS conferences each Friday and then announces the decisions made that day on the following Monday, at this time we only know that the are considering picking up both cases. That's the Good News - the constitutional challenges on AWBs and LCM bans remain alive and are progressing forward. The bad news is that while those two cases were re-listed, SCOTUS DENIED granting Certiorari in Gray v Jennings - which was a challenge to the procedure courts should use when considering motions for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) or Preliminary/Permanent Injunction (PI) in 2A cases. We had hoped that SCOTUS would pick up all three (there was also a 4th 2A case which also was DENIED), but our two top priorities have always been to have SCOTUS pick up the AWB and LCM ban, and as of now those two challenges remain alive and viable. Just so you know, SCOTUS will be conferencing again on Friday January 17 and we will know the results of that conference on Monday January 20th, where we hope to see that SCOTUS has granted Certiorari on both. We will keep you posted - but SCOTUS is moving forward - and we remain convinced that they will settle once and for all the constitutionality of modern semi-automatic firearms and the integral magazines that make them work. On the Legislative front we do expect anti-firearm bills, and we will update you on these as they develop, and will continue to update you on SCOTUS. We will continue fighting, and your continued financial support is appreciated and critically needed. If you are inclined to help us financially with this fight, please visit our Donation page. Be Safe; God Bless America, and please forward to like-minded family and friends! Yours in Freedom and Liberty - Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs |