Saturday, September 23, 2023

Mag Ban Ruling from Southern District Court of CA

CA's Mag Ban is Found To Be Unconstitutional - Again!
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Bernard --

Just wanted to give an update on where we are with the pending lawsuit against Vermont's new 72-Hour-Waiting Period and the existing Magazine Ban.

We were in the process of finalizing our third draft of the Complaint, when along comes a dynamite decision from a certain Judge Benitez in the Federal District Court of Southern California.

Prior to the Bruen decision, Judge Benitez had ruled on a case called Duncan v Bonta, a case which challenged CA's magazine ban, a ban which Benitez found to be unconstitutional.  CA appealed that ruling to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, where a 3-judge panel upheld Benitez's decision 2-1. 

CA appealed that 3-judge decision to the full 9th Circuit, but prior to them taking it up:  Along came the Bruen decision.  The 9th Circuit then remanded the case back down to Benitez for his reconsideration under Bruen (I.E. they purposefully stalled for time as the 9th Circuit is known to be notoriously anti-2A).

The truth of the matter however is that Judge Benitez had essentially already applied the scrutiny dictated in the Heller & Bruen decisions, and you can gauge his anger in having to handle the case again - coming to the same conclusion - in how he wrote his decision issued on Friday, 9/22/23.

You can read that decision here, his logic is unquestionable and exceptionally well documented, and it is GREAT NEWS for our magazine challenge.  It is tedious reading in places, but I guarantee it will make you smile if you, like me, do not support a mag ban.

Regarding finances, we have not yet crested $200,000 so we continue to work hard on fund-raising towards our $300,000 goal.

Regarding our filing, I remain hopeful that we can get this done this month, but with decisions like Benitez's popping up - we need to further tweak our Complaint, and we all want this done right.

Please continue to help us spread the word about our lawsuit and our need to raise funds.

Thank you for supporting the VTFSC in fighting for our Freedom and OUR Rights.

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
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Saturday, September 9, 2023

Status update: VTFSC's challenge to Mag Ban & Waiting Period

Where we are & how you can help
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First of all:  To all of you that have responded to the VTFSC's announcement of our pending lawsuit that will challenge the existing Magazine Ban and the new 72-Hour Waiting Period law by making a donation:  THANK YOU!

Since making our decision to file the challenge in late June, we have been working hard on finalizing our Complaint in addition to raising the funds necessary to see this through to a successful completion.

In regards to our Complaint, we are painstakingly building this document as well as our list of Plaintiffs.  At present, it would be my hope that we might file this month, but this must be done right and we are actively collaborating with other national groups who are pursuing similar complaints.

In terms of fund-raising, and after just a little over two-months of getting our legs under us, we are now closing in on $170,000 in donations.  We have had individuals step up; with one person donating $12,500.  Our clubs are stepping up, with Lamoille Valley Fish & Game Club (sponsors of the Lamoille Valley Gun Show) making an initial donation of $10,000, then adding another $5,000.  Other clubs have stepped forward generously, and still others are in the process of considering it. Our ally Gun Owners of Vermont has committed to $12,500.  FFLs have stepped up, with one donating $3,000 and many more following suit and/or considering it.  Hundreds have stepped up with $5 and more, with many donating $100, $250 and $500; a goodly number donating $1,000.

While I am encouraged by this showing, it is not enough and we need more.

I again ask the Question:  What Are Our Rights Worth?

Now is the time to send our Legislature the clear message that there is a straight-forward definition to the word "infringed", and they need to clearly understand their limitations under our Constitution.

To help spread the word, we have created an 8 1/2" x 11" Poster which can be downloaded from our website.  We have created a tri-fold pamphlet and a FAQ document to help folks understand why we are doing this.

We are "ALL IN".

If you would like to donate online – you can do so by clicking the PayPal link below, or you can click this link, and then click the PayPal Donate Now button. 

If you would like to donate by mail, then make your check payable to VTFSC DEFENSE FUND, and send to:

VTFSC Defense Fund

c/o Marcia Marble

14 Stafford Ave, Morrisville VT 05661

As one of my directors said in the meeting when the VTFSC made our decision: 

"If not us:  Who?  If not now:  When?"

Please donate whatever you can, and then please share this plea with your like-minded friends.

Thank you for reading; thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs; and please consider a donation to help us help you defend our rights.

Yours in Freedom & Liberty,

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

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