Tuesday, January 24, 2023

2023 VTFSC Legislative Update

Your latest update on the 2023 Legislature
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Bernard -

We have some updates on bills we previously reported, as well as some new bills to report, none of which are good.

For 2nd Amendment rights, we previously reported the following:

  • S.3 - Prohibiting paramilitary training camps
  • S.4 - Reducing juvenile violence, and
  • S.11 - Persons prohibited from possessing firearms

Of those, we will be giving our testimony on S.4 tomorrow morning at 9AM, and we are READY.  While we have concerns about several sections, our primary concern is Section 8 - which bans people under 21 years of age from possessing "assault weapons", and it includes definitions of "assault pistol", "assault shotgun" and "assault rifle".  Section 8 will not stand constitutional scrutiny because both age 21 prohibitions and "assault weapons" bans have been struck down by courts as being unconstitutional under the new Bruen standard.

The list of 2nd Amendment Case we have built to support our testimony can be found here.

S.3 will have a walk-thru on Thursday morning at 10:45.  While we are currently on the agenda to provide testimony, we will be providing testimony later on this bill.

Since our last message to you, there have been 3 additional firearm related bills added - all of which are SERIOUSLY flawed:

  • S.21 - Safety zones around occupied buildings
  • S.31 - Ban on open carry; limit defense and sensitive places, and
  • H.98 - Firearm storage; expand ERPO; 10-day waiting period; guns in bars and prohibit possession by hate-crime people

We will be aggressively fighting each of those.

On the F&W side of things:  We now have S.22 which allows for posting your land permanently by using purple paint.  It's seriously flawed as well.

We will keep you informed as things develop; please forward this to like-minded friends and have them join our email list at our website

The more people we can keep informed the better.

If you like what you see here, please consider a donation, come to our banquet, buy a raffle ticket or even better:  Do all three!

Thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs.

Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
This email was sent to sportsmanscluboffranklincounty.clubnews@blogger.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Friday, January 13, 2023

2023 Legislative Update

Your latest update on the 2023 Legislature
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Bernard -

As you know, the Vermont Legislature now has a progressive/democrat super-majority that is veto proof.  If we didn't have our work cut out for us before, we sure as heck do now.

As of this evening, 1/13/23, there are a total of 54 House Bills and 16 Senate bills in play.

On the House side, we currently see no bills that affect either Firearms or our sporting activities.  We expect however that we will see at least a Child Access Prevention bill (lock up guns), and a waiting period bill.  We may also see a "local Control" bill, something that GunSense Vermont is falling all over themselves for.

On the Senate side, we currently see three bills that affect Firearms (Article 16 / 2nd Amendment), and none that affect our sporting activities:

  • S.3 relates to the prohibition of paramilitary training camps
  • S.4 relates to juvenile and criminal procedures 
    This bill addresses several areas; some good, a couple of concern, and 1 bad.  The couple of concern deal with the making of Vermont laws that are redundant to existing Federal Law.  The bad deals with prohibiting persons under 21 from owning "assault weapons" (Section #8).
  • S.11 relates to criminal procedures, persons prohibited from possessing AND a 72-hour waiting period

S.4, which has 11 working sections, was taken up this morning with the VTFSC being present in the limited-capacity room.  (9AM-10AM, 10:20AM-11:15AM).  That process begins with one of the lawyers from Legislative Counsel doing a section by section walk thru, explaining what each does.

Of special note during this walk thru is that, just prior to launching into section #8, legal counsel stopped to give the Committee a brief overview of the NYSRP v Bruen, as well as some of what has resulted so far in successful challenges to existing law under the new standard of scrutiny that must now be used on 2nd Amendment Cases.  Section #8 by the way includes definitions of what an "assault shotgun" is, what an "assault pistol" is, and of course an "assault rifle" is.  You will be saddened at what these definitions will prohibit for those under 21, and we all should know the real goal is to get a definition established for those under 21, and then pass another law later to have it apply to the rest of us.

Anyway, back to Bruen.  You'd be amazed at what has been, and is being, overturned.  Under Age 21 possession prohibitions.  "Assault Weapon" Bans.  High-Capacity Magazine Bans.  Even Extreme Risk Protection Order/Red Flag laws that allow the taking of firearms without due process are being successfully challenged.  More are on tap.

Testimony on S.4 will begin next Friday 1/20 at 9AM, with the VTFSC being scheduled for later in the morning.  We are, and will be, ready.

We will keep you informed as things develop; please forward to like-minded friends and have them join our email list at our website.

Thank you for your continued support of the VTFSC and our member clubs.

Best Regards, Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · 454 S Main St, Northfield, VT 05663, United States
This email was sent to sportsmanscluboffranklincounty.clubnews@blogger.com. To stop receiving emails, click here.
You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.