Bernard -- This past week The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs and the Vermont State Rifle & Pistol Association are parties in an Amicus brief in the case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett before the Supreme Court of United States (SCOTUS) This is one of the many ways The VTFSC continually protects and preserves your civil rights at both the Vermont state and federal levels. The lawsuit this brief supports is important in protecting the right of individuals to posses and carry arms for the protection of themselves, their families and their communities. If you take a look at the Amicus brief you will see a "Table of Authorities" which cites State v. Rosenthal (1903) a Supreme Court of Vermont (SCOV) case on the carry of firearms in which the SCOV unanimously ruled that the City of Rutland ordinance that required a permit to carry a firearm was "repugnant" to the Vermont Constitution. Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs http://www.vtfsc.com/ | Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders. |