Sunday, January 12, 2020

SCFC News,Fishing/Hunting/Gun law updates(Not good), Yankee Sportsman's Show


Hello, Members

Volunteers needed at Yankee Classic, FREE ENTRY

Vermont Federation of Sportsmans Clubs is looking for volunteers to help hand out information and sign up people to educate fellow sportsmen and women at the Yankee Classic on the upcoming anti-hunting and anti-gun laws. Volunteer for 2 hours and you get a free entry and can spend the rest of the day at the show. If you would like to volunteer, contact
Let them know what day and time you can work. (Friday night, Saturday or Sunday)
We can't stop this without volunteers to help fight for our rights.
Read below and help!

Fishing and Hunting: Restrict hunting with dogs and more anti-fishing/hunting laws coming

They want to restrict hunting with dogs.

And duck hunters, take notice, they won't stop with bunny and bear hunters. They will be after you too.

This is a quote from Protect Our Wildlife(POW), "..Write your legislator today and ask them to expand on the 2018 Coyote killing contest ban and ban ALL wildlife killing contests."(Dec 2019 FB)

They won't stop.

Yes, ban fishing derbies and buck pools.
POW is already working the statehouse for a sponsor.

Semi-auto ban

Senator Phil Baruth (D) Chittenden County has released his bill H.259 "An act relating to semi-automatic weapons"
If you look at the bill, you will note, 14 of the 30 Vermont Senators have signed on as sponsors to the bill.

H.259: Link to bill as written

Now is the time to be smart and calm, to not make heated comments or send out emotional E-mails and for all
gun owners to stand together. "Freedom and Unity" is the Vermont motto for a good reason. It works well

Remember the Facts Below:

FBI data

In late 2019 the FBI released crime statistics for the year 2018.

The data for violent crime rates per 100,000 residents shows that:

The lowest (50th) violent crime rate state in the nation was Maine 112.1 per 100,000 residents

Next lowest at (49th) violent crime rate was Vermont 172,0 per 100,000 residents.

Next lowest at (48th) violent crime rate was New Hampshire 173.2 per 100,000 residents.

These three states have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country, including
not requiring a permit to carry concealed.

Yet, these three northern tier New England states are the three lowest violent rate states
in the nation and it is the case year after year.

Now look at and compare to the violent crime rates of the other three New England states.

CT 207.4 per 100,000 residents
RI 219.2 per 100,000 residents
MA 338.1 per 100,000 residents

Our abutting neighbor state of NY had 350.5 per 100,000 residents.

All are violent crime rates, per 100,000 residents. Comparison by this same constant FBI criteria.

48 Hour waiting period

Senator Phil Baruth (D) is back with his gun control bill that would severely damage gun shows in Vermont.
Clubs like the Barre F&G and Lamoille Valley F&G Clubs earn an essential portion of their revenue from their shows.

S.258 would require a waiting period of 48 hours for the purchase of firearms in Vermont.

Does anyone think these endless gun control bills are going to stop so long as we have too many of our folks not voting?

Legislators don't listen to unregistered voters

Register. Write. VOTE!
Yes, its that simple. You want to help, write your reps and senators and get registered to vote.

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