Thursday, April 18, 2019

Sporting Evenings In Our Areas

Friend --


Spring finally appears to have sprung here in Vermont. With the weather getting warmer and the sun shining, many of us are coming our of our winter hibernation looking to enjoy our favorite sporting activities.

Did you know there are sports shooting events happening every weekend and many weeknights all around Vermont?

Did you know that there are over 180 fishing derby's being held in Vermont in 2019?

The Vermont Federation of Sportsman's clubs has been working to build a robust set of calendars to help guide people to some of the many sports shooting and outdoor events in our area. Most people are not aware of how many club level sporting events are going on in our area.

Please take the time to have a look at the new additions to the calendar area of our website. We have calendars for Handgun action shooting, rifle events, shotgun sports as well as fishing derby's. This is a work in progress and we encourage you to check back frequently for ongoing additions and updates.

Please keep in mind our directory is built from what we can find for resources from our clubs. If the clubs have not yet updated their calendars, we have no way of adding their information to our calendars at this time. Please contact us if you would like us to add your events to these calendars.



Shotgun Sports Events

Action Pistol Events USPSA/IDPA

Rifle Shooting Events

Fishing Derby's


Additionally The Barre Fish and game club partnered with R&L Archery are hosting a range day Saturday April 20th

Yes, we're excited, hope you are, too! We'll be at the Barre Fish & Game Club on Saturday (20th) from 9am to 4pm, RAIN OR SHINE, so that you can touch lots of guns and give them a try. Admission is free. No obligation to purchase.
Factory representatives will be there with firearms from Benelli, Bergara, Century Arms, Colt, CVA, CZ, Franchi, Heckler & Koch, IWI, Mossberg, SCCY, Sig Sauer, Steyr, Stoeger, Typhoon, and Uberti. Plus, firearms from other manufacturers will be available for you to try out, including Smith & Wesson and Ruger.
Look, touch, ask questions ... Free! If you'd like to shoot one, all you need to do is purchase an ammo ticket, then R&L staff will bring you and the firearm to the shooting line. Shoot as many as you like.
Ammo tickets are $3 each. The number of shots per ticket varies with the caliber of the gun you're choosing to shoot.
This is a rain or shine event. Sorry, outside firearms and ammo are not allowed.
Barre Fish & Game Club is on Gun Club Road. Despite what GPS may tell you, it is NOT accessible from Route 2. Must come via Averill Road.

Directions To Barre Fish & Game Club

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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Monday, April 8, 2019

SCFC Board of Directors and Club Officer's Meeting 1


SCFC Board of Directors and Club Officer's Meeting

SCFC Board of Directors and Club Officer's Meeting.

Good day,

There will be a a board meeting this Wednesday, 4/10/2019 at the club from 7:00PM-9:00PM.

Kurt Eckert
SCFC Club President

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

We Need YOU at the Statehouse TODAY April 2 2019

Friend --

APRIL 2nd 2019



willing to fight to preserve your rights, who will do it for you?

Shirt_Back.png Stop_New_Yorking.png

The Vermont Federation of Sportsman's Clubs will be giving Federation Freedom Orange Shirts to the first 200 gun right supporters at the event.

Your presence is needed at this hearing, We must voice our position on protecting our rights under the 2nd Amendment of the US constitution and Article 16 of the Vermont constitution.

We encourage all Vermonters to attend and speak before the committee at this hearing.

Montpelier, Vermont. The Vermont General Assembly will hold a public hearing on S.169 Firearms Procedures, on April 2, 2019. The hearing will be held at the State House in Montpelier from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Sign-ups to testify will take place in the first-floor lobby beginning at 4:00 p.m

The hearing is being held by the House Committee on Judiciary.

The hearing will be held in the House Chamber. Witnesses may start signing up to speak at
4:00 p.m. Witness testimonies are limited to two minutes.

The Committee will also accept written testimony. People who wish to testify in person must sign up.

Those who wish to speak IN OPPOSITION to the bill must enter through the
door at the EAST end of the State House (when facing the building from the front, the RIGHT end).

By order of the Committee Chairs, no signs, props, displays, large bags, or packages will be allowed in
this hearing. Please leave all bags, purses, and packages in your vehicle. No weapons are allowed in the Vermont State House.

S.169 Press Release Click Here

S.169 Capitol Police Hearing Announcement Click here

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.