Friday, March 29, 2019

Rally The People at the Vermont Statehouse April 2, 2019


Friend --

S.169 Mandatory Waiting Period

HEARING April 2, 2019  4-7pm

Please Attend Wearing Freedom Orange!

On Friday March 22, 2019 the Vermont Senate advanced bill S.169 that would require a 24 hour waiting period before any Vermonter can take possession of the handgun the have already passed a background check for and purchased. This waiting period would apply for each and every handgun you purchase.

This bill now moves to the Vermont house of representatives for consideration and possible modification. You may remember last year the Vermont house of representatives made a mockery of the legislative process and rammed through a background check bill and draconian magazine restrictions for law abiding citizens. There are rumors that while in the House of Representatives,  this bill could be expanded to 72 or more hours, and encompass every firearm, rifles, shotguns and handguns. Your action is needed on this matter.

If you are not willing to fight to preserve your rights, who will do it for you?

Shirt_Back.png Stop_New_Yorking.png

The Vermont Federation of Sportsman's Clubs will be giving Federation Freedom Orange Shirts to the first 200 gun right supporters at the event.


Your presence is needed at this hearing, We must voice our position on protecting our rights under the 2nd Amendment of the US constitution and Article 16 of the Vermont constitution.

We encourage all Vermonters to attend and speak before the committee at this hearing.

Montpelier, Vermont. The Vermont General Assembly will hold a public hearing on S.169 Firearms Procedures, on April 2, 2019. The hearing will be held at the State House in Montpelier from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Sign-ups to testify will take place in the first-floor lobby beginning at 4:00 p.m

The hearing is being held by the House Committee on Judiciary.

The hearing will be held in the House Chamber. Witnesses may start signing up to speak at
4:00 p.m. Witness testimonies are limited to two minutes.

The Committee will also accept written testimony. People who wish to testify in person must sign up.

Those who wish to speak IN OPPOSITION to the bill must enter through the
door at the EAST end of the State House (when facing the building from the front, the RIGHT end).

By order of the Committee Chairs, no signs, props, displays, large bags, or packages will be allowed in
this hearing. Please leave all bags, purses, and packages in your vehicle. No weapons are allowed in the Vermont State House.

S.169 Press Release Click Here

S.169 Capitol Police Hearing Announcement Click here

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Gun Control Hearing April 2, 1019 Vermont State House


Friend --

S.169 Mandatory Waiting Period


Please Attend and Wear Orange to display our solidarity

On Friday March 22, 2019 the Vermont Senate advanced bill S.169 that would require a 24 hour waiting period before any Vermonter can take possession of the handgun the have already passed a background check for and purchased. This waiting period would apply for each and every handgun you purchase.

This bill now moves to the Vermont house of representatives for consideration and possible modification. You may remember last year the Vermont house of representatives made a mockery of the legislative process and rammed through a background check bill and draconian magazine restrictions for law abiding citizens. There are rumors that while in the House of Representatives,  this bill could be expanded to 72 or more hours, and encompass every firearm, rifles, shotguns and handguns. Your action is needed on this matter.

Your presence is needed at this hearing, We must voice our position on protecting our rights under the 2nd Amendment of the US constitution and Article 16 of the Vermont constitution.

We encourage all Vermonters to attend and speak before the committee at this hearing.

If you are not willing to fight to preserve your rights, who will do it for you?

Montpelier, Vermont. The Vermont General Assembly will hold a public hearing on S.169 Firearms Procedures, on April 2, 2019. The hearing will be held at the State House in Montpelier from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Sign-ups to testify will take place in the first-floor lobby beginning at 4:00 p.m

The hearing is being held by the House Committee on Judiciary.

The hearing will be held in the House Chamber. Witnesses may start signing up to speak at
4:00 p.m.

Witness testimonies are limited to two minutes.

The Committee will also accept written testimony. People who wish to testify in person must sign up.

Those who wish to speak IN OPPOSITION to the bill must enter through the
door at the EAST end of the State House (when facing the building from the front, the RIGHT end).

No weapons are allowed in the Vermont State House.

By order of the Committee Chairs, no signs, props, displays, large bags, or packages will be allowed in
this hearing. Please leave all bags, purses, and packages in your vehicle.



Wear your Federation Shirts !

S.169 Press Release Click Here

S.169 Capitol Police Hearing Announcement Click here

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

3/12/19 Hunting - Trapping Legislative Alert & S.22 Hearing Update

Friend --

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Legislative Alert - 2019/03/13

Please Contact the House Fish & Wildlife Committee

"NO TO H.357, H.190, H.410 and H.411"



H.357, referred to as the "Wanton Waste of Wildlife" bill is currently in play, and this bill is not currently favorable to hunters.

The Fish & Wildlife Department has already provided testimony against this bill with the clear statement that it is not needed, yet some Committee members seem to wish to ignore the strong advice of the F&W Department.

This bill defines "wanton waste" as "intentionally leaving wounded or killed game, fur bearing species, wild birds, or other wildlife in the field or forest without making a reasonable effort to retrieve and consume" them.  It is unclear however as to who decides what is "reasonable", and as currently written:  Protecting your property, animals and garden by shooting a crow, a woodchuck or a coyote would qualify as "Wanton Waste" unless you then "used" that animal, such as by eating it.

Consider this situation:  A hunter wounds a deer and the deer manages to run away.  If the hunter  was unable to locate the deer and then left the woods (perhaps because it was too dark), and then someone decides that the hunter didn't try hard enough to locate the wounded deer, that hunter could be subject to a 10 point violation and loss of their  license.


The Federation strongly urges you to take the following action:

  1. Send an email to House Fish & Wildlife Committee and in that email please say NO to H.357, H.190, H.410 and H.411

  2. Call the Sergeant-at-Arms at (802) 828-2228
    When they answer, ask them to deliver a message to ALL House Fish & Wildlife Committee members with the message NO to H.357, H.190, H.410 and H.411. Beyond saying that, you will only need to give your name and address.

Again:  The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, after careful consideration, feels that this bill is not needed, and the Federation as well as the Vermont Traditions Coalition agree:  NO to H.357 and when you engage them also tell them:   NO to H.190, H.410 and H.411.

All sportsmen need to stand together, so take the time to send an email using the above link, and then make that call to the Sergeant-at-Arms.


S.22 Hearing Update


Thank you to all that were able to joins us at the hearing on the senate gun bills at Vermont Technical College last night. There were about 300 attendees. As you can see from the photos Vermonters opposing S.22 outnumbered the opposition by at least a six to one margin. Please keep apprised of new legislation and email and call your legislators regarding issues important to you. Remember a voice that is never spoken is never heard.





Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Friend --

Public Hearing On Gun Bills 


MARCH 12, 2019

Vermont Technical College - Judd Hall

Doors Open 4 PM; Hearing 5:30 - 7:30

Arrive EARLY!

Click Hear For Meeting Notice

Your Testimony Needed!!

NO to S.22

Yes to S.1, S.2 & S.13 

Show Up, Support your Rights

Speak if you can, 2 Min Limit

Wear ORANGE!!! 




Free T-Shirts to our first 200 people at the hearing !


  • The hearing takes up Senator Phil Baruth's S.22, a gun control law that would require a 48 hour waiting period after the NICS check to purchase of any firearm.
  • After you complete the check and pay for your firearm you would have to wait an additional 2 days to take possession of your firearm, remember you have already passed the background check and have paid for your firerarm, BEFORE the waiting period starts. This is for EVERY firearm purchased in Vermont, not just the first one.
  • S.22 also requires mandatory government defined lock-up of firearms.
  • This would mean that ALL of your firearms that are basically not being presently carried on your person must be locked up or rendered inoperable. this includes firearms locked in your vehicle and behind the locked doors of your homes and places of business. All of your guns, everywhere!


             - S.1 (Allow out-of-state competitors to compete in VT)

             - S.2 (Allow mags to be willed to a family member)

             - S.13 (Allow mags to be transferred to a family member)

             - S.22 (Waiting Period and Mandatory Safe Storage)

             - S.72 (Reporting on ERPOs and Optional Medical Reporting) 






Other Important Events:


     > Vermont Federation Of Sportsman's Clubs Annual Banquet

Saturday March 9, 2019

Starts at 4:30pm A great evening of fun with friends and fellow sportsmen and women. Support the federation and have fun at the same time. Games prizes and raffles.

Adult dinner is $35.00 Youth dinner (12 and under) is $15.00

To get your tickets:    Marcia Marble     14 Stafford Avenue Morrisville VT 05661        (802) 888-3418



     > Essex Jct Vermont Gun Show

Lamoille Valley Fish & Game Gun Show at Essex Vermont

Saturday March 16th, 2019  9am-5pm

Sunday March 17th, 2019 9am-2pm

Admission 1 $10.00 - Adult, Children under 12 free

Over 200 tables of Vendors

Located at the Essex Fairgrounds 135 Pearl Street Essex VT 05452

Essex Fair Grounds 135 Pearl Street Essex Jct VT 05452

Click Here For Show Flyer


Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs

If you would like to hear more from us please join us by singing up at:

VT Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs · United States
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You can also keep up with Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Facebook.

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