Submission from VTGuns "Under the Dome" Newsletter:
An act of arrogance by Speaker Mitzi Johnson
The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs held its Annual Legislative Mixer in the Vermont State House and
Speaker Mitzi Johnson was invited to speak to the hundreds of outdoors sporting and shooting community folks.
However, even after requests for Mitzi Johnson to walk the few feet down the state house hallway, she declined
to address the folks present. She did make the walk to the cafeteria to go through the buffet line and help herself
a plate of free food paid for by the Federation. She then promptly walked right back to her office.
Many folks would have liked to hear her field questions on several bills of interest to these folks like:
*H.336, a bill that would restructure the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board away from enacting viable regulations for fishing and hunting into a politically correct morass of restrictions.
It would create inside the VT F&W Department an "advisory board" Read it for yourself:
*H.591, a bill that would turn VT F&W boat launch areas away from the purpose for the federal funds used to create away from the mission
sport fishing:
*The gun control agenda being rushed forward in the House Judiciary Committee.
Remember House Speaker Mitzi Johnson, who allowed the House Judiciary Committee to run completely wild with S.55 and other anti-gun, anti-hunting legislation?
Remember Speaker Mitzi Johnson, who pulled those shenanigans with S.55 on the Floor of the House?
Remember Mitzi Johnson, who has won by some very slim margins in several previous elections?
he has very serious and capable opponents in Leland and Michael Morgan, in the contest for the two seat Grand Isle-Chittenden District:: Grand Isle-Chittenden
Here is the Seven Days Article
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