Hello, Friends! What's up for August July MEMBERSHIP: Well summer is here and we have had our share of rain as for SCFC memberships we are current
| Hello, Friends! What's up for August | July MEMBERSHIP: Well summer is here and we have had our share of rain as for SCFC memberships we are currently sitting at 102% compared to last year's numbers. As there is a slowdown in new memberships as the summer months are here and let's face it the beaches' are open. There will be an influx of memberships when two things happen it cools down and the fall months get closer. A note of my own now more than ever the club needs volunteers to help maintain the SCFC club's demanding grounds keeping and range upkeep remember this club runs on volunteers. Any amount of time is welcome if you can donate time contact club president Al Nadeau using the club website ……Thanks LJMayo | August IDPA Match 8/19/17 Setup starts at 7am; Registration opens at 8:30am; Safety Brief at 9:00am; Match Start 9:30am; Match Complete by 2:00pm Contact James Lang: james_lang62@comcast.net IDPA Match, with the following divisions: BUG, CCP, CDP, ESP, REV, SSP and SDP 5 Stages - Round Count ~100 Indoor, 25Y, 50Y, 100/200Y ranges will be CLOSED from Sunrise til 2pm on match day. Match Fee: $15/Club Members; $20/Non-Memebers (First timers and Youths shoot free) | 3-Gun 2017 We are pleased to offer a challenging yet newbie/family friendly 3 gun match to be held on Saturday the 12th of August 2017. We look forward to seeing everyone at the range for some 3 gun excitement. Round count will be a max of 100 pistol, 100 rifle, 75 shotgun (shot) and 5 slugs. Expect 3 long stages. To be confirmed once the stage designs are completed. Match fees are $20.00 USD for SCFC Members and $25.00 USD for Non Members. Please bring your own lunch and drinks for the match. Consider it might be hot and could run into mid afternoon. We will be accepting registration via email. There are a limited number of slots available. Please send your complete contact information (name, email, phone, member #, RO (yes/no) along with the division you will be shooting to: t.pike001@gmail.com . All applicants will be contacted via email (or phone if preferred) with confirmation and welcome information. | | | |